Setting up a restaurant kitchen in Schaumburg is expensive, which is why many restaurant owners buy pre-owned and refurbished kitchen equipment instead of investing in new ones. However, buying second-hand commercial kitchen equipment is much different than buying second-hand kitchen equipment for your home. Because you will be serving other people, you’ll want to ensure that your commercial kitchen equipment is clean and reliable. In addition, it must be able to pass a health inspection.
Though it is not brand new, it may still represent a substantial monetary investment — so you’ll want to be
100% sure that your commercial kitchen equipment is worth the money you are spending on it. So, what exactly should you look for when buying pre-owned and refurbished kitchen equipment? This
used restaurant equipment supplier in Schaumburg, Illinois is going to explain below.
Check the equipment for cleanliness.
Conduct a thorough inspection of any pre-owned or refurbished kitchen equipment beforehand to ensure that it is clean. If possible, open it up, run a cleaning cloth over the areas that are often dirty, and inspect all the trouble spots, such as corners. Do not forget to inquire with your used kitchen equipment supplier in Schaumburg, Illinois about the type of cleaning schedule the equipment had when in service. Once you have bought the equipment, do not take anyone's word for it when it comes to its cleanliness. Any pre-owned or refurbished kitchen equipment you buy should be
thoroughly cleaned.
Keep it simple.
When purchasing from a used restaurant equipment supplier in Schaumburg, Illinois, it’s best to opt for something less complicated. You have no way of knowing how much use the equipment has already seen — and the more components the equipment has, the more probable it is that something will go wrong. Consider buying gas-powered equipment as it tends to have fewer moving components.
Consider the availability of replacement parts.
The fact that you can get such amazing deals on pre-owned or refurbished commercial kitchen equipment might feel like a steal at times. However, you should be aware that one of the reasons people sell for such low prices is a lack of availability of replacement parts. If components are not readily available, you may find yourself spending a fortune on replacements that completely negate any savings you got from buying used. Even worse, if your old commercial kitchen equipment breaks down and you are unable to find replacement parts, you will be faced with the more complicated and costly task of replacing it rather than fixing it.
Research the equipment.
When buying pre-owned or refurbished commercial kitchen equipment, it is important to conduct extensive research. Consider the brand's reputation and customer reviews of the equipment model in question. Before you purchase anything from your Schaumburg used restaurant equipment supplier, it’s essential to thoroughly inspect it to ensure that it has all the features you need. If you have bought an older model, you may not get all the features you have come to expect and rely on in your kitchen. However, you will get
exactly what you need at a reasonable price if you do your homework.
Inquire about the history of the equipment.
Check with your Schaumburg supplier to learn about the equipment's history to ensure that you buy commercial kitchen equipment that will last. Depending on the equipment, it may still be in good condition — or it may be nearing the end of its working life. Inquire as to whether the unit was serviced regularly and whether it ran into any major problems.
If possible, you should also consider checking the equipment in-person to see if there are any signs of
wear or damage. If all signs point to the fact that you are looking at a great piece of pre-owned or refurbished commercial kitchen equipment, you will almost certainly have saved a significant amount of money while also investing in equipment that gets the job done — and gets it done right.
Looking for a Used Restaurant Equipment Supplier in Schaumburg, Illinois?
Are you ready to purchase equipment for your restaurant? Looking for the top-rated used restaurant equipment supplier in Schaumburg, Illinois? If so, March Quality is the company to call. We carry and sell pre-owned foodservice equipment that has been thoroughly cleaned, tested, and reconditioned to ensure the highest quality possible. We have everything you need for your restaurant, and we will help you make the right buying decisions to stay within budget.
Contact us today to get started.